We are surrounded by electric smog in our living and work places, particularly confined spaces. Lights, TV, microwaves, fridges, aircon, etc, all emit positive ions into our atmosphere and can be unhealthy. Luckily nature has her own air cleanser, natural himalyana rock salt lamps.

Bioenergotherapists and homoeopaths recommend the use of salt lamps to support treatment of allergies, respiratory disorders (asthma, bronchitis, etc) rheumatism, high blood pressure, migranes and hay fever. They can also improve concentration, increase productivity, enhance breathing and strengthen the immune system. They have a beautiful therapeutic colour providing relief for people suffering with insomnia or stress related disorders. Once apon a time we only had fire after sun down. Salt lamps (and candles) can be a healthy, therapeutic replacement of electric table lamps and help regulate your circadian rhythm to help you sleep. Revitalise your environment reminding you of freshness after rain fall or walk along the beach.

Lamps should not be washed, used in humid situations or placed outdoors. They can be prone to forming little pools of water at the base causing marking of polished surfaces so be mindful where you place them. If they show signs of dampness turning them on will help dry them out with the warmth of the bulb.


Stress, Salt and Negative Ions

  • Studies in Columbia University of people with seasonal effective disorder (SAD) and chronic depression have shown that negative ion generators relieve depression as much as antidepressants.
  • Other researchers found installation of negative ion air cleaners in work areas and homes with computers and other electronic equipment have reduced instances of reported sickness and headaches by 78%.
  • And In Europe, hospitals discovered that negative ions have a beneficial impact on patient’s health and healing rates.