Our organic, full spectrum CBD oil with the option to add C60 is made locally in Nannup, Western Australia.

What is CBD?
The cannibis plant has many compounds called cannabinoids. CBD stands for cannabidiol, a non-pyschoactive cannabinoid. So it has all the same therapeutic benefits without intoxicating effects.  100% THC free.

How is it made?
CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and diluting it with a carrier oil. You can choose coconut or hemp oil.

How does it work?
The human body contains a system called the endocannabinoid system, which regulates a variety of functions, including sleep, appetite, pain sensation, and immune system response.

The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system.

Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce chronic pain by affecting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters.

Studies have shown CBD oil to have many possible benefits:
- Pain relief
- Cancer related symptoms - nausea, vomiting, pain
- Heart heart - circulation improving artery function, lower blood pressure reducing risk of heart attack and stroke
- Improve Sleep
- Mental health issues - anxiety, depression, schizophrenia reducing symptoms of pyschosis
- Neurological issues - ADD, ADHD, autism, epilepsy, MS, parkinson's disease
- Substance abuse - relieving anxiety and depression in people who have a dependence on drugs, including heroin

What is C60?
A carbon-60 molecule consists of 60 carbon atoms, 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. C60 is smaller than a nanometer. It’s often referred to as a Buckminsterfullerene or “Bucky-ball,” and resembles the form of a soccer ball.

C60 is a naturally occurring antioxidant that can be taken as a health supplement.

10 Possible Health Benefits of C60:
1. Longevity
The Baati study in Paris is the most famous experiment performed using dispersed carbon-60. The results: the treated Wistar rats lived 90% longer than the rats fed traditionally. In addition, when autopsied these Wistars were tumor-free!

2. Free Radical Sponge
The C60 molecule is a free radical sponge. Unpaired electrons, called free radicals, cause damage in the body. Antioxidants like C60 attract and neutralize free radicals.

The C60 molecule is at least 100 times more potent than any other antioxidant and may be as much as 1,000 times more effective than any other antioxidant. C60’s sub-nano size allows it to easily go inside the cell into the mitochondria.

Known as the “powerhouses of the cell,” mitochondria produce the energy necessary for the cell’s survival and functioning. Moreover, C60 removes more free-radical electrons than any other antioxidant molecule. Other antioxidants bind one or two free radical electrons. Each C60 safely and irreversibly sequesters as many as thirty-two electrons. This is because of C60’s hollow cage structure.

3. Inflammation Reduction & Arthritis Symptoms
Arthritis is an autoimmune condition. A sensitized immune system produces excessive amounts of free radicals that, over time, damage healthy tissue.

An effective antioxidant neutralizes the free radicals and reduces the damage. Reducing inflammation will not cure arthritis but often relieves pain and improves range of motion.

C60 is at least 100 times more effective than other antioxidants. C60 can reduce inflammation in joints and surrounding tissues. 

4. Improved Immune Function
Antioxidants improve immune function in two
important ways.

First, they enhance energy production to support
effective immune response.

Second, antioxidants reduce damage to healthy tissue caused by an over- active immune system.

C60 is the most effective antioxidant. Antioxidants can protect from infections and helps recovery from infection. In addition, by muting an overactive immune response, antioxidants may reduce the intensity of allergic reactions.

5. Free radical damage to neurons implicated in Alzheimer’s
Elevated levels of free radicals have been implicated in cognitive decline and other neurodegenerative diseases. Antioxidants reduce the damaging oxidative stress. C60 is the most effective antioxidant.

Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to Gingivitis in the mouth. A bacterial infection of the gums causes inflammation and instigates an immune reaction. When this happens free radicals damage healthy tissue.
Antioxidants reduce the inflammation of the gums and may block the chain of events that eventually result in Alzheimer’s.

C60 dissolves in the mouth, where antioxidant properties are most needed. C60 continues to be shown as harmless to the body.

6. Shown to Protect Cartilage & Improve Bone Health
Carbon-60 may have the potential to inhibit both osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. When injected into the ankles of arthritic rats, Buckyballs prevented bone damage. In rabbits with osteoarthritis in their knees, C60 was found to reduce damaging levels of free radicals that then permitted cartilage recovery.

7. Impact on Bacteria and Viruses
There are published studies showing the beneficial impact of C60 on viruses, specifically on Hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus, Semiliki Forest virus and Indiana visiculovirus. On the skin, antioxidants have been shown to reduce inflammation and damage. Too many free radicals can produce an overactive immune response to pathogenic bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes (implicated in acne), Staphylococcus epidermis, Candida albicans (wild yeast) and Malassezia furfur. Whether taken orally as in our unique strip product or as a topical application as in our extraordinary skin cream product, C60 is the most effective antioxidant available.

8. Weight Control
In both human and mouse cell cultures, C60 is found to moderate fat cell growth. The theory says it does this by enhancing energy production in the mitochondria. This burns more calories and thus reduces weight both weight gain and enhances weight loss.

9. Tumor Formation and Growth
In research studies C60 has been shown to impact tumor formation and growth. The most famous is the Baati study performed in 2012 in Paris. In a study designed to find the toxicity level of C60, Wistar rats were administered large doses of C60 yet it did not kill the Wistars. Instead, the the Wistars lived 90% longer than the control group. That was exciting enough, but the test rats didn’t develop cancer, despite being bred to be very prone to cancer formation. In humans the data are not as dramatic, but C60 appears to neutralize certain free radical molecules implicated in the spread of some cancers including breast and bone marrow. C60 works directly with the DNA inside the cell. It controls processes such as transcription, inflammation and lifespan. This means C60 may cause cancer cells to self-destruct.

10. UV Radiation and Hair Growth
UV radiation from excessive exposure to sunlight produces free radical molecules in the skin. This causes damage and inflammation called sunburn. Antioxidants applied topically to the skin have been shown to protect against this. In addition, pimples are an inflammatory response to infection of the skin by pathogenic bacteria, specifically Propionibacterium acnes. Antioxidants will reduce the inflammation and allow the skin to heal naturally. C60 is the most effective antioxidant. The excess production of free radical molecules in the skin has been found to be a cause of hair loss (alopecia). As a powerful free radical sponge, C60 may help stop this.

C60 Side Effects or Contraindications
Thousands of studies have been published over the past twenty-five years on the safety of C60. Unmodified C60, as is present in our products, has been shown to be non-toxic at any level tested. In one study, a solution of C60 was found to cause a slight eye irritation in rabbits. It disappeared within twenty-four hours and did no permanent damage to the eye or surrounding skin tissue. The suspected cause in this case was the solvents used to disperse the C60 - not the C60 itself.

If pure carbon-60 is taken and mixed into water without proper diffusion, it forms a suspension that creates a variety of new sub-nano molecules. They are not the same as the beneficial C60 molecules. Modified C60 can be toxic.

Some studies, like the one mentioned above, perform a chemical modification of the C60 molecule to make it water soluble. These molecules are no longer C60 and they exhibit very different chemistry and toxicity. For safe and effective use, carbon-60 must be chemically umodified and fully dispersed using non-toxic solvents. Our C60 alone offers unmodified carbon-60 that is fully dissolved, dispersed and solubilized. There is NO toxicity in any of our products.

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